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A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology

Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

1955 Fantasy Astrology Recap
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

1955 Fantasy Astrology Recap

One nice piece of trivia about the 1955 Fantasy Astrology Baseball season is that all four division winners remain the same, regardless of positional eligibility shenanigans. Another is that the top three scoring signs were all Fire Signs. Sagittarius, once again led by Al Kaline, takes the top spot. Leo is in second, without a 2,000-point scorer to their name. Aries had the starting pitcher for the real-life American League All-Stars Billy Pierce, but ended up in third place overall.

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