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A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology

Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

2007 Astrology Awards Recap
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2007 Astrology Awards Recap

Baseball fans might remember the 2007 MLB season for the epic late-season collapse of the Mets, as the Phillies overcame a 7 game deficit with just over two weeks to go. It’s impossible to tell if the FABL had a similar down-to-the-wire divisional chase without doing hundreds of week-by-week calculations, but the two teams at the top (Pisces (33,564) and Taurus (33,523)) finished with point totals that were so incredibly close that it’s basically a tie.

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