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A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology

Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

2010 Ten Year Astrology Recap
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2010 Ten Year Astrology Recap

Traditionalists might count 2010 as the end of a decade. We normally count from one to ten, so it does make a certain amount of sense that the 2000’s would consist of 2001 thru 2010. Either way, now that we have ten FULL FABL seasons under our belt, I thought this would be a good time to break out my year-by-year spreadsheet and do some analysis.

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2010 Astrology Awards Recap
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2010 Astrology Awards Recap

2010 marks the tenth anniversary of the last completed Major League season. But the 2010 season was the eleventh season since the last completed MLB campaign. Don’t ask me how that works, I never quite got a full grasp of subtraction. Either way, since my database only counts FULL seasons, we now have ten data points from which to draw conclusions about the Fantasy Astrology Baseball League from the last decade.

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