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A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology

Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

Pisces Tarot: The Moon
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Pisces Tarot: The Moon

Next Aries season will mark the one-year anniversary of this feature, but as of this post, I will have finished an examination of all twelve astrological signs. We end the trip around the karmic wheel with Pisces, the fish, and the most emotional sign of the zodiac. The planetary rulers of Pisces are Neptune and Jupiter, but despite those associations, the Tarot card linked with this sign is #18, The Moon.

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Aquarius Tarot: The Star
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Aquarius Tarot: The Star

The last Astrology/Tarot pairing that we covered involved one of the nastiest cards in the deck. For those following along at home, The Devil is followed directly by The Tower, another card that represents evil and ruin. But luckily for Aquarius, we’re skipping that one, and moving directly to a decidedly positive card: The Star.

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Capricorn Tarot: The Devil
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Capricorn Tarot: The Devil

While “Death” is likely the most ominous card to appear in a Tarot reading, “The Devil” takes the cake when it comes to just plain nasty connotations. Divinatory meanings are varied and situational, so the connection shouldn’t lead to the conclusion that all Capricorns are evil, in the Judeo-Christian sense. However, the irony is not lost on me that the sign whose dates include the birth of Jesus is linked to a Tarot card that depicts Jesus’s primary adversary in the Bible…

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Sagittarius Tarot: Temperance
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Sagittarius Tarot: Temperance

The completionist in me has always been irked by the fact that only three of the four classic Cardinal Virtues appear on Tarot cards. We saw Fortitude (or Strength) with Leo, Justice with Libra, and the current sign, Sagittarius, corresponds to Temperance. But Prudence is nowhere to be found…

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Scorpio Tarot: Death
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Scorpio Tarot: Death

I think it’s fair to say that as far as the study of astrology is concerned, Scorpio is having a moment right now. So it only makes sense that such an iconic zodiac sign would be associated with one of the most iconic cards in the Tarot: #13 Death.

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Libra Tarot: Justice
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Libra Tarot: Justice

Libra is the seventh sign on the zodiac wheel, and it links up with Major Arcana #11: Justice. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll see that we skipped #10: The Wheel of Fortune, which is linked with the planet Jupiter, and I guess you can’t have both a planet and an astrological sign.

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Virgo Tarot: The Hermit
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Virgo Tarot: The Hermit

It’s a very exciting time in the Fantasy Astrology Baseball League season, with the final round of the playoffs starting yesterday. But since the championship matchup lasts for two weeks, I have plenty of time to analyze the rosters of Libra and Taurus, while today is my last chance to talk about Virgo’s connection to the Tarot during Virgo season.

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Leo Tarot: Strength
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Leo Tarot: Strength

The Tarot card associated with the fifth sign of the zodiac is #8 in the Major Arcana, known as Strength or Fortitude. This card depicts a woman either closing the mouth of a lion, an act that “represents … the principal of all force.” I don’t know which aspect is more Leo-like: the connotation of force, or the lion shown on the card.

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Cancer (Crabs) Tarot: The Chariot
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Cancer (Crabs) Tarot: The Chariot

The fourth entry in my examination of the connections between Astrology and the Tarot is a sign that holds great personal significance for me: Cancer. I suppose I should clarify: Cancer is my birth sign. Although I understand how there might be confusion, especially following the incredibly moving “Stand Up To Cancer” tribute from last week’s All-Star Game.

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Gemini Tarot: The Lovers
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Gemini Tarot: The Lovers

With the sun firmly entrenched in Gemini, it’s time for the third installment of my analysis of the connection between astrological signs and the Tarot. So far, we’ve looked at the cards associated with Aries (The Emperor) and Taurus (The Hierophant), and this month we continue on to Gemini with The Lovers.

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Taurus Tarot: The Hierophant
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Taurus Tarot: The Hierophant

We’ve got about a week left of Taurus season 2021, which is a perfect time to analyze the connection between the Tarot and the second sign of the zodiac. According to the research I have on hand, the Tarot card associated with Taurus is The Hierophant. In the Baseball Tarot, this card becomes The Manager.

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Aries Tarot: The Emperor
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Aries Tarot: The Emperor

For a brief time, around the turn of the last decade (counting from 0-9, of course), I developed an interest in the Tarot. The card associated with Aries (the current sign) is The Emperor. The Baseball Tarot’s version of this card is The Legend, which represents “ Authority – Ambition – An Ideal in Material Form.”

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