1954 FABL Lineups
1954 Fantasy Astrology Recap
Here’s an overview of the 1954 FABL season, plus lineups (and pitching rotations) for all 12 teams.
Positive MVP: Minnie Minoso (SAG) / Negative MVP: Duke Snider (VIR) // Positive CYA: Robin Roberts(LIB) / Negative CYA: Early Wynn (CAP) // Positive RoY: Wally Moon (ARE) / Negative RoY: Bob Grim (PIC) // Positive RR: Marv Grissom (ARE) / Negative RR: Sandy Consuegra (VIR) // AAGPBL MVP: Joanne Weaver (SAG) // AAGPBL CYA: Maxine Kline (VIR)