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A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology

Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

NBA 2024 Final Four
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

NBA 2024 Final Four

The NBA playoffs have just advanced to the conference finals stage! There’s a variety of ways to enjoy Astrology Sports, but one of the most results-oriented is to look at the real-life teams closest to achieving a real-life championship, and see which signs helped get them there.

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Fantasy Astrology Basketball?
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Fantasy Astrology Basketball?

I’ve been seeing a lot of commercials for the NBA Conference Finals lately, where the Boston Celtics and the Miami Heat engaged in a thrilling Game 7 two nights ago. Naturally, all this talk of basketball got me thinking whether I could apply the principles of Fantasy Astrology to the NBA in the same way that I do for the MLB.

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