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A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology

Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

FABL 2023 Finals - Cancer vs Libra
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2023 Finals - Cancer vs Libra

In a completely shocking and unforeseen twist, the Cancer Crabs have stormed back from behind and defeated the Virgo Flowers in the 2023 Fantasy Astrology Baseball League semifinals! Find out how this could have happened after Virgo had such a commanding lead after week one of the two-week matchup.

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FABL 2023 Playoff Wk 1 Update
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2023 Playoff Wk 1 Update

It’s one week into (i.e. halfway through) the semifinal matchups, and one question rises to the top: can anyone stop Virgo? Their total of nearly 1,500 points over the first week is nigh-untouchable.

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FABL 2023 Playoff Preview
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2023 Playoff Preview

This year, I haven’t been making changes to the FABL rosters during the season. But as it happens, the “set them and forget them” lineup strategy has resulted in three of the same four division winners as if I had retroactively calculated fantasy points as of this point in the season. The results might shock you…

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Fantasy Astrology Football
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Fantasy Astrology Football

I haven’t watched a single NFL game this season, regular season or playoffs. But based on my quick analysis of fantasy football points and astrological signs, I have a pretty confident pick of who will win the Super Bowl: the Philadelphia Eagles!

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2022 Wild Card Round Recap
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2022 Wild Card Round Recap

It’s a little ironic, isn’t it? It’s the start of the postseason, when excitement for baseball has reached a fever pitch… and I can’t even be bothered to blog about it, because I’m too busy plugging the season-ending numbers into my patented astrology database! But now, I’m taking a break to recap the first ever Wild Card round matchups!

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2022 Head-to-Head Finals
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2022 Head-to-Head Finals

In a surprise to no one, Virgo has defeated Scorpio in the first round of the Fantasy Astrology Baseball League postseason. In the Positive Polarity, Libra winning the Air Division has always been a foregone conclusion. But Sagittarius had the lowest aggregate point total in the Fire Division, but still made the playoffs by a one game margin!

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2022 Head-to-Head Playoffs
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2022 Head-to-Head Playoffs

This week marked the beginning of the 2022 Astrology Fantasy Baseball League playoffs! This is the weekly matchup league I run on the ESPN fantasy baseball client, NOT the hypothetical postseason affair, where participants are decided by calculating total fantasy points over the course of the season. And trust me, there is a difference.

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If the Season Ended Today 2022 All-Star Break
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

If the Season Ended Today 2022 All-Star Break

The All-Star Break is a great symbolic midpoint to take stock of how the season is progressing so far. So I’ve calculated fantasy points as of the ASB, in order to determine who would make the Fantasy Astrology playoffs if we only played half a season in 2022. The results might shock you!

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Postseason MVPs Through History
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

Postseason MVPs Through History

The best way to get a complete picture of each astrological sign’s true talent level is by analyzing regular season performance, since that’s where you get the largest sample size. But when it comes to playoff time, what we really want to know is, which players from which signs are most likely to help your team win the World Series, for which we have the Willie Mays World Series MVP Award.

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2021 Astrology Awards Recap
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2021 Astrology Awards Recap

Even though MLB’s yearly awards do not take postseason performance into account, the league waits to announce the winners until well after the World Series. But since it benefits me to post about baseball related content while excitement about the sport is at a fever pitch, here’s a recap of the Fantasy Astrology Baseball League award winners in advance of tonight’s World Series Game 3.

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2021 Championship Series Top Scorers
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2021 Championship Series Top Scorers

The World Series starts today! The 2021 version of the Fall Classic features the cheatin’ Houston Astros against the culturally insensitive Atlanta Braves! To be fair, I’m an equal opportunity disparager: had it gone the other way, I would have called the Red Sox out for also cheating, and the Dodgers for willingly employing a repeat sexual abuser and cyber bully.

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2021 Division Series Top Scorers
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

2021 Division Series Top Scorers

We now have a whole Division Series’ worth of games (plus the Wild Card Games) to evaluate how the various signs are doing in the 2021 Postseason. Keep in mind that the usual small sample size caveats apply, since a best-of-five environment is not enough to draw any meaningful conclusions… but we have to work with the data we’re given.

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FABL 2021 Finals Pitching Preview
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2021 Finals Pitching Preview

I don’t know why I thought I could jam analysis of all nine starting position players, five starting pitchers, and two relievers into one single post, but I guess my eyes were bigger than my word count. Either way, I covered the offenses of the two championship-contending signs on Sunday, so now it’s time for the pitching staffs. (Pitching staves?)

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FABL 2021 Finals Batting Preview
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2021 Finals Batting Preview

I spent multiple posts throughout this season hyping Leo and Pisces as their divisional leaders, only for them to each get unceremoniously eliminated in the first round of the postseason. While we still have the consolation bracket to see who would win in a matchup between the signs with the two best records, the battle for the true FABL championship is taking place between Taurus and Libra.

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FABL 2021 Playoff Preview: Positive
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2021 Playoff Preview: Positive

Each round of the Fantasy Astrology Baseball League playoffs lasts for two weeks, so as of this post, we’re just over halfway through the semifinal round. I’ll talk a little about how the Positive Polarity matchup is going in the following paragraphs, but this post will mostly be a sort of retroactive preview of the matchup between Leo and Libra.

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FABL 2021 Playoff Preview: Negative Polarity
Andrew Pankin Andrew Pankin

FABL 2021 Playoff Preview: Negative Polarity

Can you believe how close the race for the 2021 Earth Division ended up being? Taurus and Virgo were tied with the same win-loss record (11-9) heading into the last weekly matchup of the season… in which they were scheduled to play against each other! And after trailing for most of the season, the Bulls pulled off a stunning upset victory by a margin of just over 100 fantasy points!

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