A blog analyzing Major League Baseball through the lens of Astrology
Welcome to Astrology Baseball, a project where I arrange MLB players into teams based on their astrological signs, and then pit those teams against each other in mock fantasy seasons.

2025 All-Acquired National League
With Pisces season and the start of Major League Spring Training now upon us, it’s time for one of my favorite offseason projects: All-Acquired Teams, where the NL has the best top-end.

2024 Active Rosters: Scorpio
As a researcher, I like to wait until a full season is complete before starting any analysis. But as a fan, I like to wait until the playoffs are over before starting any analysis. So it happens that my interest in baseball goes WAY up right around when everyone else’s interest has flagged. But that’s a perfect time to focus on Astrology Active Rosters, starting with the league-leading Scorpio Stingers.

2024 Astrology Batters - First Impressions
I waited until a full day after the Dodgers finished off the Yankees in the World Serious before I started building my Fantasy Astrology Database for 2024. Virgo legend Freddie Freeman deservedly took home the MVP honors, and his sign was one of the two most represented in the game highlight reels found on MLB.com

2024 World Series Preview
It’s time for the World Series! Which means the number one question I get, as an Astrology Baseball scholar, is: Do you have any predictions? And while it pains me to say it, as an LA resident and Dodger supporter (and a superstitious one, at that)… but the stars seem to favor the Yankees.

2024 MLB Cancer Season Recap
Last weekend, the zodiac wheel turned to Cancer season, which lands closer to the MLB season’s halfway point than the All-Star break. Let’s take a look at the standings at the time of the Cardinal Water sign.

NBA 2024 Final Four
The NBA playoffs have just advanced to the conference finals stage! There’s a variety of ways to enjoy Astrology Sports, but one of the most results-oriented is to look at the real-life teams closest to achieving a real-life championship, and see which signs helped get them there.

Taurus Season Roster Update 2024
When I build the rosters for the Fantasy Astrology Baseball League teams each year, I rely heavily on preseason rankings. But as more and more games get played, we can start looking at fantasy point totals, to see which early breakout performers should merit addition to rosters for Taurus season, which began last Saturday.

2024 Scorpio Preview
Going back roughly eight decades into Fantasy Astrology Baseball history, Scorpio has been the most successful sign, according to number of seasons where they scored the most points in the league. The fact that in 2024, the Stingers are projected for a last place finish in their division, shows how cyclical baseball is, mirroring the karmic wheel.

1945 Fantasy Astrology Recap
In 1945, many of MLB’s best star players were away fighting overseas in World War II. I thought that this might be an opportunity to showcase more Negro League players in the Fantasy Astrology ranks, but that proved not to be the case: despite segregation in sports, many of the top Negro League stars went away to war as well.

1946 Fantasy Astrology Recap
1946 is considered the first year of the Baby Boomer generation. Back then, the postwar optimism was high, the baseball was segregated, and the division winners in the Fantasy Astrology Baseball league were all pretty cut and dry – the same Final Four as in 1947, in fact.

1947 Fantasy Astrology Recap
1947 is year two of including Negro League players in my Astrology All-Time Database, and while it’s great to analyze the statistics and learn the history of the best Black and Latin players of the day, it’s also frustrating to see how much these players could have accomplished were they not excluded from the established Major League ranks at the time.

1948 Negro Leagues Pitchers
It’s been a constant of Fantasy Astrology Baseball, for as long as I’ve been doing this project, that Cancer has trouble finding starting pitching depth. But this whole situation changes when you look at the Negro Leagues, which has no statistical information after 1948.

1948 Fantasy Astrology Recap
I was very excited to reach 1948 in my reverse chronological trip through baseball history, because it’s the last year with readily available Negro League statistics. I could wait to learn about the influx of amazing athletes, and add them to my All-Time Major League Astrology database, because the Negro Leagues are Major Leagues.

1949 Fantasy Astrology Recap
We’ve reached a milestone as we enter the 1940’s: 1949 was the last year, reverse-chronologically speaking, before my database will include Negro League teams. At least there’s a silver lining for this last year of predominantly white baseball: the top four scoring signs in 1949 all made the Fantasy Astrology postseason!

FABL 1950s Recap
The calendar flipping to 2024 seems like a perfect excuse to dust off this old blog and start posting regularly. When last we left our reverse-chronological trip through Fantasy Astrology Baseball History, we had finished the last year of the 1950s. So before starting a new decade, it’s fitting to look back at the ten years we just covered.

2023 All-Star Reserves
It’s finally here: the day of the MLB All-Star Game! Which means it’s time to tally up the astrological signs of the rosters, including starters, pitchers, and reserves. Full disclosure: I know this does not technically represent the full rosters, because several players have been replaced due to injury.

2023 All-Star Pitchers
Last time, I broke down the 2023 All-Star starting lineups in terms of astrological signs. Leo was the clear leader, with five of the 18 players under consideration. The Lions were ahead of a crowded second place field: five different signs had two players each.

2023 Gemini Season - Negative Signs
Now that the karmic wheel has flipped to Gemini Season, it’s high time I took a look at the actual 2023 MLB season. I’ve been stuck in historical mode, trying to get through the 1950s and into the 40’s, so that I could start analyzing the Fantasy Astrology Negro Leagues. But the break in decades is a good opportunity to pay lip service to the current season.

1950 Fantasy Astrology Recap
Here’s a sobering fact: in the 1950 Astrology Baseball Classic, the Gemini pitchers would have had to bat for themselves. This isn’t because the Designated Hitter wasn’t established in the Major Leagues until the 1970’s – the reason the 1950 Twins had to send their pitchers to the plate… is that there were only eight (8!) Gemini MLB position players in 1950.

1951 Fantasy Astrology Recap
Fantasy Astrology Baseball in the early 1950’s is categorically different than what we see in the early 2020’s. In today’s game, with 30 teams and a massive player pool to choose from, it’s no problem to build 12 full rosters. However, in the middle of last century, with only 16 MLB teams, it’s a struggle for each sign to fill a starting lineup, let alone a full roster.